Joshua – Commissioned by Spark & Echo
Working with John Egan on his commission from Spark & Echo Arts to create piece of theater inspired by the book of Joshua from the bible.
Michael Markham, John Egan, Spark and Echo, Spark and Echo Arts, Shem Ogweno, Liam Dick, Francis J Spieler, Joshua, Biblical Art

Joshua – Commissioned by Spark & Echo

Joshua – Commissioned by Spark & Echo

Posted by Michael in Update

It was a pleasure to produce Joshua with John Egan. John was commissioned by Spark & Echo Arts to create piece of theater inspired by the book of Joshua from the bible. After sitting with it for a while the piece it shifted from a theatrical piece to a short film, and became a story about going to war and the rhetoric and personal cost of that decision. It’s an inspiring piece realized in three scenes. I was thankful for the generous help of Liam Dick, Shem Ogweno, behind the camera and Francis J. Spieler for playing the father.

This is Shem, sitting in for Mr. Spieler while we settle on a frame.




Mr. Spieler settling in like a Boss.IMAG0397

Me and Joe.IMAG0398


Just getting the lines settled before we begin rolling.



10 Sep 2015